My Body, My Choice
1/7/09 I walked into a clinic in Beverly Hills & made a choice. I didn’t share for many reasons. The societal taboo attached to abortion is palpable. Humans are quick to judge, as if my experience is your experience. I felt guilty. I thought about women who try endlessly to get pregnant. I thought about women who had been pregnant & lost their babies. I thought about women who are underserved, underprivileged & don’t have a way to choose, even if they wanted to.
The heart of the truth is I was engaged then, our wedding that May. Even though I thought we were happy, something in my bones told me I would raise this child alone. The day I found out I was pregnant, my fiance, now exhusband, had an all night coke bender in our Hollywood apartment with his friends. I was kept wide awake in lack of consideration, tossed in bed thinking about my options, knowing deep down, my intuition already had the answer.
I share my story because words have power. Because I’m proud of who I am. Because one single event doesn’t define me. Because no white man of privilege can decree what any one of us does with our reproductive organs. Because every single woman should have control over their own body. PERIOD.
Pro-Choice doesn’t mean I don’t love kids, or even want my own. Pro-Choice doesn’t mean that I’m anti-life. Bringing new life into the world is an opportunity to teach better ways of being, a possibility to correct paths we’ve already walked. That’s why I share. So we can cultivate conversation for the future that’s less dogmatic, more understanding, & full of compassion.
I stand with the women of #texas who are fighting for our rights. I know my privilege, I see it loud & clear. These laws are designed to attack minorities, women of color & those in poverty. Support + donate to organizations on the front line @plannedparenthood @prochoiceamerica @yellowfund @reprorights.
If you’re brave enough to share your story, use #youknowme cause truth is, 1 in 4 women in the US have had abortions, and you’re probably standing next to one right now.