This Is Yoga


No it’s not a backbend, a twist, or some fancy bind. I’m not balancing on one leg with drishti focus and there’s no chanting or mudras or conscious breath work. No physical discomfort appears to be present, nor attachment to alignment, or even mental challenge.

The Yoga is the moments between, when everything is settled into it’s sweetest spots, when flow IS ease and grace.

The Yoga is the space between breaths, when I can feel my own powerful life force and blood on a molecular level. The Yoga is the smile at myself cause of some thing funny my friend
@larrywrightphotography said. The Yoga is seeing my body and mind, with all the mental + physical pain endured, its scars, scrapes and stretch marks, and knowing all those little blemishes are part of my growth physically, and a representation of my emotional evolution. The Yoga is knowing, in that moment, that my body and my mind are my best friend.

Yoga looks like this. And that. And the other thing. And it’s also never gonna look exactly how you think it’s supposed to look. Being brave enough to continue to explore is where the real magic happens. Stay interested. Be curious. Show up. I LOVE YOU.





You Are Limitless