This page is a living, breathing organism. I will be updating frequently with petitions to sign, literature to read, organizations to get involved with both locally and globally, as well as general information about Los Angeles social and civil rights issues.
I stand in solidarity with those defending our right to protest peacefully, to end police brutality, to address and dismantle the systemic racism that is deeply embedded into the foundation of this country. The streets are not for everyone. There are so many other things you can do. Petitions you can sign, calls you can make, books you can read, donations to contribute and educational documentaries so you can help support yourself while you unpack the details of the American Black experience.
Please reach out if you need support. Together we have more power. I love you.
~ Kari J. ~
Bld Pwr
BLD PWR is an all encompassing mental health organization designed to serve the African American community that engages culture, education and activism to build and train an inclusive community of entertainers and athletes to advance radical social change. Partnering with grassroots organizations, BLD PWR increases action and civic engagement with a primary focus on uplifting and protecting the most vulnerable by undoing systemic oppression and combating state violence at the intersection of gender, immigration, economic, educational, environmental and racial justice movements. BLD PWR aims to build an equitable society. Follow them on IG @bldpwr and hit the button below to donate and get involved!
Grassroots Law Project
Grassroots Law Project is a nationwide organization demanding justice led by well-known activist Shaun King. GLP bridges the gap between grassroots organizing and legal expertise in criminal justice reform by bringing millions of us together to address the most pressing and egregious failures of the system, hold powerful actors accountable, and advocate for deep structural change. Follow their work on IG @grassrootslaw and hit the link to support!
Know Your Rights Camp
Know Your Rights Camp’s mission is to advance the liberation and well-being of Black and Brown communities through education, self-empowerment, mass-mobilization and the creation of new systems that elevate the next generation of change leaders. KYRC was founded by Colin Kaepernick to combat the racial and social injustices, especially effecting our young people. Follow on IG @yourrightscamp and head to their website to see how you can get involved!
Share Necessities
Share Necessities is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization teaching mindfulness, yoga, and wellness to at-risk youth in South Central LA. The mission is to bring inner peace to the streets with youth education programs, urban garden, and community center. Arjuna O’Neill founded SN to empower individuals + families by providing tools to build health, confidence, and transformation in one of Los Angeles’ most underserved communities. Support on IG @sharenecessities. Hit the link to donate money, time, or learn more!